Thursday, June 25, 2009

"One is not born a woman, one becomes one"...with the help of this very cool t-shirt.

So there is this woman named Paige Orloff, who I have never met, but, who like me, used to live in L.A. and did the whole film/TV exec thing before she packed it all in and moved east. But in her case, not to a teenytiny apartment in downtown Manhattan but to a farmhouse in upstate New York. With, like, chickens.

Anyway, I had heard her name over the years and, according to Facebook, we had all these mutual friends, and I stumbled upon this fantastic blog she does with a group of other women called The Sister Project,. The other day she had a post about this very cool woman named Lindsay Keating who has a shop on Etsy called KM Stitchery where she sells these amazing t-shirts and dresses with hand-stenciled visages of feminist icons like Simone de Beauvoir (whose quote "One is not born a woman, one becomes one" was one of the millions posted on the bulletin board that I used to have hanging over my desk in L.A.) and Frida Kahlo

Both of which I am ordering.

So check out Paige's blog and Lindsay's shop.

(P.S. Can I just say I'm very proud of myself for having blogged FOUR days in a row?!)


Margaret Roach said...

You know how to pick them: Paige is great. Thanks for the nice mention of her work on The Sister Project.

Paige Orloff said...

Well, check you out Miss Robin! Thank you for the nice words, and yes, we have so many common friends and experiences, it's crazy, and yes, Lindsay's shirts just RAWK. Thanks for the props to TSP, and me. Right back at you.