Friday, January 16, 2009

I'm still around...

...just not blogging a lot.

I can't believe the last time was Xmas.

Not even a Happy New Year post.

Sorry about that.

Lots going on. GEEK CHARMING pubs on February 5th which is so exciting, but before that I have my birthday party tomorrow night, my 40th birthday next Wednesday ( on EARTH did that happen?!) and then a much-needed vacation to Parrot Cay on Turks & Caicos for four days. I haven't been on a vacation like that since Mexico with my ex-boyfriend Alex when I was 26 and he got food poisoning and I got sun poisoning and we spent the entire time watching HBO in the room.

It's freezing in New York today. When the New York Times says "bitterly cold" and "frigid" on the front page you know you're in trouble. I wish it would snow more though... We've gotten a little bit over the last few weeks but it never sticks. Meanwhile it' been in the 80s in L.A. Crazy.

I'm excited for GEEK to come out and start doing signings. Will post dates on my website when that's all figured out.

My father is in the process of transferring over stuff on VHS tapes to DVDs and the other day he told me that he found footage from his 50th birthday party in Las Vegas where I'm sitting there smoking a cigarette and saying to the camera that I'm "20 and a half years old."

Cigarettes. 20 and a half.

Both such a long, long time ago.

40 always seemed so old to me. It meant kids, and mortgages, and the suburbs. It didn't mean writing novels and living in downtown NYC and going to yoga and not smoking.

It's all good. Different than I thought, but all good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy belated Birthday!!!