Monday, December 27, 2010

When I've used my words up...

...which, with all the books I've written over the last 5 years, would be often (I've written 8.5. And a screenplay. But who's counting.), I find that getting away from the computer and taking photos really helps me to re-fill the well.

And now that it's the week between Christmas and New Years, and now that I'm snowed in for the day, I decided to do something that I've always meant to do but have never had the time to do -- organize some of those photos on Flickr.

If you click here, you can see them.


αιѕнαн ❤ said...

Thank you so much for blogging again!!! I missed it! By the way, are there any copies of Sealed with a Kiss to giveaway?

Anonymous said...

hello I'm one of your fans and i would love to know when
yours truly,
Lucy B. Parker # 3
is coming out.

Lexa said...

Very nice. : )