Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I am an emotional creature...

And I love, hear me,
love love love
being a girl.

The words above are from one of Eve Ensler's monologues from her new book I AM AN EMOTIONAL CREATURE. You can read the entire thing here and I strongly urge you to do so because it's incredibly powerful. Also, her talk on TED about what she calls "the girl cell" - which you can watch by clicking here is fantastic.

It rained all day today. And it's cold. The kind of weather that makes you want to hang out in a hot bubble bath rather than schlep all the way uptown to 92nd Street - EAST 92nd Street, to be exact - not even WEST - to go hear Eve Ensler give a lecture at the 92nd Street Y, but because I had already bought my ticket, schlep I did.

And I'm so glad I did.

I was so moved, so inspired, so...desirous of getting involved in her new V-Girls organization which you can read about here

It made me really, really glad that I'm a girl.

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